Transportation Learning Network

Non-Technical Learning Opportunities

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The Retention & Recruitment Roundtable is intended to be a sharing opportunity for the states to generate conversation and learn from each other. Each state will have representation from their talent acquisition, leadership development, and/or their recruitment teams to share some of their efforts used...

Resiliency is the ability to withstand and recover from adversity. But have you ever wondered how to effectively build it so you can unlock your true potential? This training focuses on learning the 10 skills of resilience, identifying which ones you personally want to improve, and equipping yourself...

As harmless as a slip, a trip, or a fall may seem they are the second leading cause of workplace injuries in the U.S. Each year more than 240,000 of these happen costing employers a large portion of the $170B attributed to workplace injuries. To combat this problem OSHA revised its regulations in 2017...

Hear from the Federal Highway Administration about their Strategic Workforce Development program with the goal to identify, train, place and retain individuals into heavy highway construction careers. Over 43 states are participating in the initiative which focuses on partnerships between State Departments...

Stress…it’s a fact of daily life. This presentation will give you a clearer understanding of the origin of stress and how it affects your body and relationships. We will also discuss stress reduction techniques, and share some great resources to help you manage the stress in your life.

When we communicate, we HOPE the words we say are heard the way we intended. Rather than just hoping, learn a three-step communication model that ensures what you say is the same as what your listener hears. This presentation will discuss the following points: What is Communication? Three Steps of Communication...

Managing has been defined as getting others to do what needs to be done. In delegations that have gone wrong, the delegator usually has omitted one or two critical steps. Participants will assess their attitudes and current practices as delegators, and through experiential activities, explore how to...

The advancement of mobile devices has resulted in constant connectivity, but at the expense of traffic safety. The goal of this study was to understand the barriers preventing drivers from driving without manipulating their devices, and what they perceived would motivate them to stop driving distracted.

Knowing that innovation is critical isn’t enough. “Getting it” is one thing. “Getting it done” is quite another. When your organization thinks of itself as a community builder, quality of life advocate, and service provider, then it starts to behave differently. And that’s where innovation...

This presentation will discuss and share information on the importance of relaying knowledge, processes and information on to others within your organization before the sole proprietor of the knowledge walks out the door either planned or unplanned. Preserving and replacing the tacit knowledge your seasoned...

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