Transportation Learning Network

Virtual Learning

Introduction to Scour

  • Jan 15, 2025
    Virtual Learning (desktop/laptop and mobile devices)

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Scour is a phenomenon where the flow of water erodes streambed and bank material. This erosion can threaten the stability of critical infrastructure like dams, bridges, culverts, and roadways, making it a vital concern for engineers. Among these structures, bridges are particularly vulnerable, as scour at their foundations stands out as a leading cause of failure. In this session, we will introduce engineering techniques used to predict and design against scour. Through engaging local examples, we will illustrate the real-world implications of scour at bridges and culverts and explore design strategies and preventative measures that can be employed. We will reference HEC-18 and HEC-23, key design resources that provide guidelines for predicting scour at bridge foundations and effective countermeasures against scour.


Brianna Corsi, PE. Ayres Associates. Brianna started at Ayres in 2017 after completing a bachelor's degree in environmental engineering. Earlier this year, she completed a master's degree focusing on hydraulic engineering, river restoration, and river mechanics, while continuing to work part time at Ayres. Brianna works on a team of national hydraulic experts that focus on the nexus between rivers and infrastructure. She has worked on transportation projects across the nation involving flood mitigation, hydraulic analysis, bridge scour studies, and countermeasure design. She enjoys navigating the balance between stream health and infrastructure needs with her project partners.

Target Audience

Bridge, Design, Construction, and Maintenance Personnel will all benefit from this presentation.