Transportation Learning Network

Technical Learning Opportunities

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This webinar will present an overview of landslide identification, mitigation, and soil slope stabilization. Particular attention will be given to geohazard events affecting critical assets (highways and transportation corridors, pipelines, transmission lines, and other critical infrastructure). Participants...

Geogrids are geosynthetic materials used to stabilize and reinforce soils. Geogrids are most widely used in roadways for bridging soft subgrades and stabilizing aggregate materials. Other common applications include railbeds, foundations, and walls/slopes. Proposed course discussion topics: Geosynthetic...

This presentation will focus on how you and your team can handle differing site condition issues. The presentation will focus on the federally-mandated differing site conditions clause. Included in the webinar will be a discussion of what a differing site condition is, the difference between a Type 1...

This webinar will discuss the application of High Friction Surface Treatments (HFST) on roadways in South Dakota. HFST has been successfully used to reduce roadway departure crashes in various locations throughout South Dakota. These locations have had high rates of crashes due to wet or wintery conditions....

There always seem to be excuses for not being able to prove that a problem has caused the contractor to be inefficient. Owners often rightly complain that contractors don’t document the problem. Contractors often rightly complain that owner’s documentation expectation can be unreasonable. And both...

This presentation helps solve the mystery of analyzing roadway deficiencies and selecting a treatment method that works. It will begin with a discussion of the failure mechanisms of pavement that result in pavement thermal and fatigue crack and fatigue along with other load related pavement failures...

Highway assets, including traffic signs, traffic signals, light poles, and guardrails, are important components of transportation networks. They guide, warn, and protect drivers and regulate traffic. To manage and maintain the regular operation of the highway system, state departments of transportation...

Think about the business, government, academic, and volunteer organizations that you know well. You could place each in one of these three categories: Surviving, or barely so; thriving or close to it; and exceling. While the "survivors" do just enough to get by, the "thrivers," which constitute the vast...

This presentation will discuss ancillary structure types and past failures, introduction to the wind loads and problems from resulting vibrations/fatigue. Discussion on galvanized steel, aluminum, and weathering steel commonly used and potential problems with these. We will cover inspection procedures...

Welcome to the 3-part webinar series on Culvert Hydraulics. In this presentation, we will discuss the introduction and overview of the webinar series as well as recognizing the importance of culvert design for roadways. We will go over standard culvert nomenclature, features, etc. This presentation will...

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