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This presentation will serve as a refresher/basic overview of the administration of federally funded construction projects. This presentation will discuss the FHWA Stewardship and Oversight on projects and the role you play in administering them. Items to be presented are review of controlling documents...
Though we try very hard to reduce the need to negotiate everything, negotiation is still an integral part of the construction contract administration process. As a result, successful negotiations are a characteristic of a successful project. The objective of this course is to help you be a more successful...
Negotiation is a key tool used to resolve change orders on construction projects, but it can be frustrating and stressful. This presentation will walk you through successful strategies to use when you negotiate. These will include showing you how to set the right goals, how to prepare, how to structure...
The new permissible exposure level for workers exposed to silica is 50 mg per cubic meter over an 8-hour period. As an example, if silica dust is visible in the field, this new standard is likely exceeded. This presentation would help large and small organizations plan for, implement and comply with...
Maintenance and preservation of our flexible pavements is essential to providing a quality roadway to the public. This presentation will discuss the identification of cracking, common causes for cracking, and best practices for sealing cracks. Unfortunately, sometimes the roadway gets away from us forcing...
In this 2 ½-hour interactive webinar, Kathy Overton will share skills and tools for creating an open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional or risky conversations. She will provide real-world examples of how to have a critical conversation to achieve results with confidence. Kathy brings unique perspectives...